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19 latin teenaged girls rescued in human trafficking bust

this is how we do it.......

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Re: 19 latin teenaged girls rescued in human trafficking bust

Postby eliteauto » February 11th, 2019, 6:05 pm

He eh care bout she papers he cares about she bax

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Re: 19 latin teenaged girls rescued in human trafficking bust

Postby gastly369 » February 11th, 2019, 6:07 pm

Oh scont mi bad

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Re: 19 latin teenaged girls rescued in human trafficking bust

Postby MG Man » February 11th, 2019, 7:34 pm

gastly369 wrote:
MG Man wrote:
eliteauto wrote:

31 illegal Venezuelans held in Penal

any pics addi guyanese?
She ha she papers baiii

meem business wid dat
jus wah know if she chicken curry

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Re: 19 latin teenaged girls rescued in human trafficking bust

Postby matr1x » February 12th, 2019, 2:12 am

Underaged girls used for sex? That is the pnm harvest celebration.

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Re: 19 latin teenaged girls rescued in human trafficking bust

Postby hydroep » February 20th, 2019, 9:30 am

Chinese sex ring suspects freed, re-arrested
Derek Achong

The in­abil­i­ty of the po­lice to quick­ly find for­eign lan­guage trans­la­tors has led to the tem­po­rary re­lease of three Chi­nese men sus­pect­ed of child pros­ti­tu­tion.

High Court Judge David Har­ris yes­ter­day up­held the trio’s habeas cor­pus ap­pli­ca­tions af­ter po­lice in­ves­ti­ga­tors failed to give an of­fi­cial ex­pla­na­tion over de­lays in charg­ing the men since they were ar­rest­ed al­most two weeks ago.

How­ev­er, the trio, who can­not be named un­til they are charged, on­ly claimed a mi­nor vic­to­ry as they were all im­me­di­ate­ly re­ar­rest­ed by Im­mi­gra­tion Di­vi­sion of­fi­cials for al­leged­ly over­stay­ing their time in T&T.

The move means that de­tec­tives will now have to vis­it the men at the Im­mi­gra­tion De­ten­tion Cen­tre in Aripo to charge them at the end of their in­ves­ti­ga­tion.

Pre­sent­ing sub­mis­sions on be­half of the T&T Po­lice Ser­vice (TTPS) at the Hall of Jus­tice in Port-of-Spain yes­ter­day, at­tor­ney Ravi Ra­j­coomar sought to give an un­of­fi­cial ex­pla­na­tion for the de­lay. He claimed he was in­formed that po­lice had dif­fi­cul­ties in re­tain­ing trans­la­tors for the nu­mer­ous Chi­nese sus­pects and South Amer­i­can vic­tims in the case, as they all spoke dif­fer­ent di­alects.

Ra­j­coomar al­leged that trans­la­tors, who had pre­vi­ous­ly worked with po­lice on oth­er cas­es, specif­i­cal­ly re­fused when asked to as­sist in the hu­man traf­fick­ing in­ves­ti­ga­tion. He said the is­sue was re­solved on Mon­day af­ter po­lice re­tained a trans­la­tor used by the Ju­di­cia­ry. He sug­gest­ed that in­ves­ti­ga­tors on­ly need­ed 24 hours to com­plete their in­ves­ti­ga­tion and to con­sult with the Of­fice of the Di­rec­tor of Pub­lic Pros­e­cu­tions (DPP) on pos­si­ble charges.

Har­ris did not ap­pear con­vinced by the ar­gu­ment, as he ques­tioned why po­lice of­fi­cers did not put his sub­mis­sions in­to writ­ing as re­quired.

“There are in­ves­ti­ga­tions go­ing on for 10 years, when do we draw the line?” Har­ris said.

He al­so ques­tioned the fail­ure of the po­lice and oth­er agen­cies to have ad­e­quate trans­la­tors.

“T&T can­not hold it­self to be a gate­way to the world or a cos­mopoli­tan coun­try and does not have such ser­vices read­i­ly avail­able,” Har­ris said.

Dur­ing yes­ter­day’s hear­ing, Ra­j­coomar re­vealed in­for­ma­tion on the im­mi­gra­tion of­fences which the trio will be charged with as the hu­man traf­fick­ing in­ves­ti­ga­tion con­tin­ues. He claimed that while all three men en­tered T&T legal­ly and were sup­posed to de­part in No­vem­ber last year, Im­mi­gra­tion Di­vi­sion records showed they nev­er left.

The men were among 18 Chi­nese na­tion­als who were de­tained on Feb­ru­ary 5 as po­lice raid­ed pri­vate and com­mer­cial prop­er­ties in Curepe, Wood­brook and West­moor­ings. Dur­ing the ex­er­cise, 19 fe­male mi­nors from Venezuela, sus­pect­ed of be­ing forced in­to pros­ti­tu­tion, were res­cued. They re­main in pro­tec­tive cus­tody.

The T&T Guardian un­der­stands that three oth­er sus­pects have filed sim­i­lar habeas cor­pus ap­pli­ca­tions chal­leng­ing their pro­tract­ed de­ten­tions. How­ev­er, their ap­pli­ca­tions are ex­pect­ed to be­come aca­d­e­m­ic if they are charged be­fore their sched­uled hear­ing this morn­ing.

The State was al­so rep­re­sent­ed by Ne­tram Kow­lessar while Sub­has Pan­day rep­re­sent­ed the trio.

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Re: 19 latin teenaged girls rescued in human trafficking bust

Postby teems1 » February 20th, 2019, 9:56 am

Chinese sex ring suspects freed, re-arrested

they had us in the first half, not gonna lie

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Re: 19 latin teenaged girls rescued in human trafficking bust

Postby hydroep » February 22nd, 2019, 2:57 am

Cops finally nab sex ring mastermind
Mark Bassant

A Chi­nese na­tion­al de­scribed by po­lice as one of the mas­ter­minds be­hind a ma­jor sex and drug ring op­er­at­ing in West­ern Trinidad that was smashed more than two weeks ago was cap­tured on Tues­day.

In­tel­li­gence sources told Guardian Me­dia the man had been on the run ever since po­lice raid­ed a West­moor­ings home at West­ern Cir­cle on Feb­ru­ary 6, where sev­er­al young girls be­tween the ages of 15 and 19 years were res­cued.

Dur­ing that op­er­a­tion, head­ed by the Spe­cial Op­er­a­tions Re­sponse Team (SORT), Counter Traf­fick­ing Unit (CTU), Fi­nan­cial In­tel­li­gence Branch (FIB) and Child Pro­tec­tion Unit (CPU), at least 18 sus­pects in West and East Trinidad were ar­rest­ed and 19 South Amer­i­can fe­males. Young women were al­so res­cued from an­oth­er house along Morne Co­co Road in Diego Mar­tin and the Stir Fry King Restau­rant along Ari­api­ta Av­enue, Wood­brook.

Sources told Guardian Me­dia the po­lice got in­for­ma­tion about the man’s where­abouts and were able to catch him in­side a house in West­moor­ings. Sources said the man had been try­ing to make plans to leave the coun­try since the raid.

In­tel­li­gence sources say the sus­pect had leased the house on West­ern Dri­ve, West­moor­ings that po­lice raid­ed. He had en­tered this coun­try with a Guyanese pass­port and was al­so in pos­ses­sion of a Ja­maica li­cense which Guardian Me­dia has seen. A source fa­mil­iar with the on­go­ing case ex­plained that over the last few weeks they have been able to un­earth de­tailed in­for­ma­tion about how the sex ring is be­ing op­er­at­ed with the clout of the Asian mafia. Based on fur­ther in­for­ma­tion po­lice be­lieve the young women are smug­gled in by boat af­ter they are hand-picked by agents in Venezuela.

“This smug­gling op­er­a­tion takes place most­ly on the south­ern penin­su­la of Trinidad,” the source said.

The source re­vealed that most of these young women smug­gled in­to this coun­try have no doc­u­ments and are usu­al­ly lured un­der false pre­tences.

“What we have found out is that these young women are sold for US$1,500 to US$3,500 when they get here, de­pend­ing on the area from where they come from in Venezuela,” the source said.

“If the young girls have a fair­er com­plex­ion with green eyes, or blue eyes, or blonde hair they tend to fetch more mon­ey.”

When the girls are sold to what the in­tel­li­gence source termed the un­der­ground Asian net­work, they are drugged and made to work as sex slaves. High-end Asian clien­tele pay up to TT$10,000 a night for these young girls, an­oth­er in­tel­li­gence source re­vealed in an in­ter­view with Guardian Me­dia weeks ago. In­tel­li­gence sources say they have al­so ze­roed in on a par­tic­u­lar casi­no in South Trinidad which has been in­stru­men­tal in fa­cil­i­tat­ing this il­le­gal un­der­ground trade.

“From what we un­der­stand this is the first place that the girls are car­ried to be­fore they are put up for sale,” said the in­tel­li­gence source.

Sources said this in­ves­ti­ga­tion re­mains a very com­plex one and is far-reach­ing in na­ture since they un­der­stand that the Asian mafia con­nec­tion is fu­elling the mul­ti-mil­li­on dol­lar world of sex slaves in Trinidad and To­ba­go.

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Re: 19 latin teenaged girls rescued in human trafficking bust

Postby hong kong phooey » February 22nd, 2019, 3:55 am

Dem cah touch the Chinese. few more days and they free. goberment and policceee will be be rounding younger girls and turning them over to make amends.
Dem go get a 1000 dollars fine if so much

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Re: 19 latin teenaged girls rescued in human trafficking bust

Postby K74T » March 16th, 2019, 10:23 am

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Re: 19 latin teenaged girls rescued in human trafficking bust

Postby zoom rader » March 16th, 2019, 12:06 pm

K74T wrote:
Nice to see a 1% name in the fry

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Re: 19 latin teenaged girls rescued in human trafficking bust

Postby VexXx Dogg » March 16th, 2019, 12:27 pm

It's an Ahbooooood who owns the house?

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Re: 19 latin teenaged girls rescued in human trafficking bust

Postby zoom rader » March 16th, 2019, 1:22 pm

VexXx Dogg wrote:It's an Ahbooooood who owns the house?
Yup 1% , I sure tuners gonna say he only rent them the house and did not know

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Re: 19 latin teenaged girls rescued in human trafficking bust

Postby Dizzy28 » March 16th, 2019, 1:39 pm

1 yen?? What an arbitrary amount

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Re: 19 latin teenaged girls rescued in human trafficking bust

Postby matr1x » March 17th, 2019, 6:18 pm

I sure the cops like theyself. Rumour was a lap dance buying an extra cup of coffee

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Re: 19 latin teenaged girls rescued in human trafficking bust

Postby zoom rader » March 17th, 2019, 6:28 pm

1% involved and very little Infor of their involvement.

Cover up

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Re: 19 latin teenaged girls rescued in human trafficking bust

Postby hydroep » June 25th, 2019, 3:10 pm

Man charged in alleged sex-ring bust appeals bail denial
Jada Loutoo

ONE of the two Chinese men, charged in March with harbouring under-aged Venezuelan girls for the purpose of sexual exploitation, has appealed the refusal by a Master of the High Court to grant him bail.

Justices Alice Yorke Soo-Hon, Prakash Moosai and Mark Mohmmed, who heard the bail appeal on Tuesday, have reserved their decision to July 2.

Chang Boa Wang, 37, of Liaoning, China, was first denied bail when he and his co-accused Wei Liang Wu, of Guangdong Province, China, first appeared before a Port of Spain magistrate on April 1 accused of the offences which are alleged to have taken place earlier this year.

The two were arrested following a series of police raids in the Woodbrook and Westmoorings on February 5.

Wang and Wu did not form part of the initial group of 14 Chinese and five Venezuelans who were taken into custody during the raids, but were arrested at a later date as police investigations into an alleged sex trafficking ring intensified.

In all, 19 young Venezuelan girls, between the ages of 15 and 19, were rescued from a house at Western Circle, Westmoorings.

Wang and Wu were jointly charged with harbouring two girls for the purpose of prostitution and Wang, police said, was a former military commander in China.

Both men applied to a Master sitting in the criminal jurisdiction of the court for bail but were denied.

Only Wang appealed.

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Re: 19 latin teenaged girls rescued in human trafficking bust

Postby zoom rader » June 25th, 2019, 3:16 pm

hydroep wrote:
Man charged in alleged sex-ring bust appeals bail denial
Jada Loutoo

ONE of the two Chinese men, charged in March with harbouring under-aged Venezuelan girls for the purpose of sexual exploitation, has appealed the refusal by a Master of the High Court to grant him bail.

Justices Alice Yorke Soo-Hon, Prakash Moosai and Mark Mohmmed, who heard the bail appeal on Tuesday, have reserved their decision to July 2.

Chang Boa Wang, 37, of Liaoning, China, was first denied bail when he and his co-accused Wei Liang Wu, of Guangdong Province, China, first appeared before a Port of Spain magistrate on April 1 accused of the offences which are alleged to have taken place earlier this year.

The two were arrested following a series of police raids in the Woodbrook and Westmoorings on February 5.

Wang and Wu did not form part of the initial group of 14 Chinese and five Venezuelans who were taken into custody during the raids, but were arrested at a later date as police investigations into an alleged sex trafficking ring intensified.

In all, 19 young Venezuelan girls, between the ages of 15 and 19, were rescued from a house at Western Circle, Westmoorings.

Wang and Wu were jointly charged with harbouring two girls for the purpose of prostitution and Wang, police said, was a former military commander in China.

Both men applied to a Master sitting in the criminal jurisdiction of the court for bail but were denied.

Only Wang appealed.
Yup years ago I warned tuner about these chineses scum. I was deemed racist and banned because I called them scum .

Hope you all learning about these scumbags

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Re: 19 latin teenaged girls rescued in human trafficking bust

Postby MG Man » June 26th, 2019, 8:47 am

you still a racist

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Re: 19 latin teenaged girls rescued in human trafficking bust

Postby Ben_spanna » June 26th, 2019, 9:00 am

zoom rader wrote:
hydroep wrote:
Man charged in alleged sex-ring bust appeals bail denial
Jada Loutoo

ONE of the two Chinese men, charged in March with harbouring under-aged Venezuelan girls for the purpose of sexual exploitation, has appealed the refusal by a Master of the High Court to grant him bail.

Justices Alice Yorke Soo-Hon, Prakash Moosai and Mark Mohmmed, who heard the bail appeal on Tuesday, have reserved their decision to July 2.

Chang Boa Wang, 37, of Liaoning, China, was first denied bail when he and his co-accused Wei Liang Wu, of Guangdong Province, China, first appeared before a Port of Spain magistrate on April 1 accused of the offences which are alleged to have taken place earlier this year.

The two were arrested following a series of police raids in the Woodbrook and Westmoorings on February 5.

Wang and Wu did not form part of the initial group of 14 Chinese and five Venezuelans who were taken into custody during the raids, but were arrested at a later date as police investigations into an alleged sex trafficking ring intensified.

In all, 19 young Venezuelan girls, between the ages of 15 and 19, were rescued from a house at Western Circle, Westmoorings.

Wang and Wu were jointly charged with harbouring two girls for the purpose of prostitution and Wang, police said, was a former military commander in China.

Both men applied to a Master sitting in the criminal jurisdiction of the court for bail but were denied.

Only Wang appealed.
Yup years ago I warned tuner about these chineses scum. I was deemed racist and banned because I called them scum .

Hope you all learning about these scumbags

I agree with you, however if that's the case then by example of our culture then All Indians are thieving scum as well as all Africans??? Because if you look at it you don't see many Chinese scum in jail?!?

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Re: 19 latin teenaged girls rescued in human trafficking bust

Postby zoom rader » June 26th, 2019, 9:54 am

Ben_spanna wrote:
zoom rader wrote:
hydroep wrote:
Man charged in alleged sex-ring bust appeals bail denial
Jada Loutoo

ONE of the two Chinese men, charged in March with harbouring under-aged Venezuelan girls for the purpose of sexual exploitation, has appealed the refusal by a Master of the High Court to grant him bail.

Justices Alice Yorke Soo-Hon, Prakash Moosai and Mark Mohmmed, who heard the bail appeal on Tuesday, have reserved their decision to July 2.

Chang Boa Wang, 37, of Liaoning, China, was first denied bail when he and his co-accused Wei Liang Wu, of Guangdong Province, China, first appeared before a Port of Spain magistrate on April 1 accused of the offences which are alleged to have taken place earlier this year.

The two were arrested following a series of police raids in the Woodbrook and Westmoorings on February 5.

Wang and Wu did not form part of the initial group of 14 Chinese and five Venezuelans who were taken into custody during the raids, but were arrested at a later date as police investigations into an alleged sex trafficking ring intensified.

In all, 19 young Venezuelan girls, between the ages of 15 and 19, were rescued from a house at Western Circle, Westmoorings.

Wang and Wu were jointly charged with harbouring two girls for the purpose of prostitution and Wang, police said, was a former military commander in China.

Both men applied to a Master sitting in the criminal jurisdiction of the court for bail but were denied.

Only Wang appealed.
Yup years ago I warned tuner about these chineses scum. I was deemed racist and banned because I called them scum .

Hope you all learning about these scumbags

I agree with you, however if that's the case then by example of our culture then All Indians are thieving scum as well as all Africans??? Because if you look at it you don't see many Chinese scum in jail?!?
Yep as I says before trinis are nasty ppl

Eleit go day I a self hater but it's the truth, trinis are some of the lowest life forns. Our PNM crime problem speaks for itself.

We have nasty , ingorant, angry and some really stupid ppl in Trini

punchin NOS
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Re: 19 latin teenaged girls rescued in human trafficking bust

Postby Ben_spanna » June 26th, 2019, 10:20 am

zoom rader wrote:
Ben_spanna wrote:
zoom rader wrote:
hydroep wrote:
Man charged in alleged sex-ring bust appeals bail denial
Jada Loutoo

ONE of the two Chinese men, charged in March with harbouring under-aged Venezuelan girls for the purpose of sexual exploitation, has appealed the refusal by a Master of the High Court to grant him bail.

Justices Alice Yorke Soo-Hon, Prakash Moosai and Mark Mohmmed, who heard the bail appeal on Tuesday, have reserved their decision to July 2.

Chang Boa Wang, 37, of Liaoning, China, was first denied bail when he and his co-accused Wei Liang Wu, of Guangdong Province, China, first appeared before a Port of Spain magistrate on April 1 accused of the offences which are alleged to have taken place earlier this year.

The two were arrested following a series of police raids in the Woodbrook and Westmoorings on February 5.

Wang and Wu did not form part of the initial group of 14 Chinese and five Venezuelans who were taken into custody during the raids, but were arrested at a later date as police investigations into an alleged sex trafficking ring intensified.

In all, 19 young Venezuelan girls, between the ages of 15 and 19, were rescued from a house at Western Circle, Westmoorings.

Wang and Wu were jointly charged with harbouring two girls for the purpose of prostitution and Wang, police said, was a former military commander in China.

Both men applied to a Master sitting in the criminal jurisdiction of the court for bail but were denied.

Only Wang appealed.
Yup years ago I warned tuner about these chineses scum. I was deemed racist and banned because I called them scum .

Hope you all learning about these scumbags

I agree with you, however if that's the case then by example of our culture then All Indians are thieving scum as well as all Africans??? Because if you look at it you don't see many Chinese scum in jail?!?
Yep as I says before trinis are nasty ppl

Eleit go day I a self hater but it's the truth, trinis are some of the lowest life forns. Our PNM crime problem speaks for itself.

We have nasty , ingorant, angry and some really stupid ppl in Trini

FInally, I believe that you have described yourself perfectly!

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zoom rader
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Re: 19 latin teenaged girls rescued in human trafficking bust

Postby zoom rader » June 26th, 2019, 10:27 am

Ben_spanna wrote:
zoom rader wrote:
Ben_spanna wrote:
zoom rader wrote:
hydroep wrote:
Man charged in alleged sex-ring bust appeals bail denial
Jada Loutoo

ONE of the two Chinese men, charged in March with harbouring under-aged Venezuelan girls for the purpose of sexual exploitation, has appealed the refusal by a Master of the High Court to grant him bail.

Justices Alice Yorke Soo-Hon, Prakash Moosai and Mark Mohmmed, who heard the bail appeal on Tuesday, have reserved their decision to July 2.

Chang Boa Wang, 37, of Liaoning, China, was first denied bail when he and his co-accused Wei Liang Wu, of Guangdong Province, China, first appeared before a Port of Spain magistrate on April 1 accused of the offences which are alleged to have taken place earlier this year.

The two were arrested following a series of police raids in the Woodbrook and Westmoorings on February 5.

Wang and Wu did not form part of the initial group of 14 Chinese and five Venezuelans who were taken into custody during the raids, but were arrested at a later date as police investigations into an alleged sex trafficking ring intensified.

In all, 19 young Venezuelan girls, between the ages of 15 and 19, were rescued from a house at Western Circle, Westmoorings.

Wang and Wu were jointly charged with harbouring two girls for the purpose of prostitution and Wang, police said, was a former military commander in China.

Both men applied to a Master sitting in the criminal jurisdiction of the court for bail but were denied.

Only Wang appealed.
Yup years ago I warned tuner about these chineses scum. I was deemed racist and banned because I called them scum .

Hope you all learning about these scumbags

I agree with you, however if that's the case then by example of our culture then All Indians are thieving scum as well as all Africans??? Because if you look at it you don't see many Chinese scum in jail?!?
Yep as I says before trinis are nasty ppl

Eleit go day I a self hater but it's the truth, trinis are some of the lowest life forns. Our PNM crime problem speaks for itself.

We have nasty , ingorant, angry and some really stupid ppl in Trini

FInally, I believe that you have described yourself perfectly!
Hey you fit right in


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