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We have fuel for 20 days after Petrotrin refinery closed - Khan

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We have fuel for 20 days after Petrotrin refinery closed - Khan

Postby stikid09 » September 27th, 2018, 10:41 am

Up­on the clo­sure of Petrotrin’s re­fin­ery next month, there will be a 20-day sup­ply of fu­el from stock “to start with,” En­er­gy Min­is­ter Franklin Khan has as­sured the trav­el­ling pub­lic.

“Trust me - I want to give the coun­try the as­sur­ance there will be a smooth tran­si­tion from re­fin­ery fu­el to im­port­ed fu­el,” Khan added in Par­lia­ment yes­ter­day in re­ply to Op­po­si­tion con­cerns over the fu­el sup­ply af­ter the re­fin­ery’s clo­sure.

Unit­ed Na­tion­al Con­gress’ Pointe-a-Pierre MP David Lee had asked about it fol­low­ing re­ports of the re­fin­ery’s im­pend­ing clo­sure on Oc­to­ber 1 and sub­se­quent re­ports it would be done on a phased man­ner. He asked what strate­gic steps were be­ing tak­en to en­sure fu­el isn’t dis­rupt­ed in this pe­ri­od.

UNC’s Roodal Mooni­lal al­so sought clar­i­fi­ca­tion on if the re­fin­ery will be closed next Mon­day or “half closed.”

Khan said, “The an­swer is no. The tran­si­tion process starts on Oc­to­ber 1. It will be shut down on a phased ba­sis - it’s a process plan. We just do not take off a switch and stop a re­fin­ery.”

On fu­el sup­ply post-clo­sure, Khan told Lee, “T&T con­sumes ap­prox­i­mate­ly 25,000 bar­rels of liq­uid fu­els per day or ap­prox­i­mate­ly 3.9 mil­lion litres, com­pris­ing avi­a­tion fu­el, diesel, su­per and pre­mi­ums and small amounts of reg­u­lar fu­el.

“The re­fin­ery will be closed on a phased ba­sis dur­ing the month of Oc­to­ber. Up­on its clo­sure, there will be a 20-day sup­ply of fu­els from stock to start with. Steps are cur­rent­ly be­ing put in place for the im­por­ta­tion of sup­plies from in­ter­na­tion­al traders.

“Re­quests for Pro­pos­als (RF­Ps) from 13 rep­utable in­ter­na­tion­al sup­pli­ers are cur­rent­ly out - we don’t fore­cast any dis­rup­tion in the sup­ply to the trav­el­ling pub­lic.”

Khan added, “Fu­el is an in­ter­na­tion­al­ly trad­ed com­mod­i­ty and is well avail­able on the in­ter­na­tion­al mar­ket.”

He said there’s no in­ter­na­tion­al short­age, so “there’ll be seam­less tran­si­tion.”

Asked by Lee for as­sur­ance that the price of fu­el won’t in­crease, Khan replied, “That’s a mat­ter for the Fi­nance Min­is­ter.”

Fi­nance Min­is­ter Colm Im­bert, who de­liv­ers the 2019 Bud­get on Mon­day, is ex­pect­ed to say whether or not any fu­el price hikes will be im­ple­ment­ed (as pre­vi­ous Bud­gets have).

Khan, re­it­er­at­ing a phase clo­sure, as ex­clu­sive­ly re­port­ed by the T&T Guardian on Mon­day, said a phased ap­proach was nec­es­sary.

“You have to save the plant, se­cure it, be­cause the plant may come in­to use lat­er on,” he said.

Op­po­si­tion UNC MPs cho­rused, “...Ooooh - for your (PNM’s) part­ners!”

‘Oth­ers’ in­ter­est­ed in re­fin­ery—PM

Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley says there is in­ter­est, apart from the Oil­field Work­ers’ Trade Union (OW­TU), in the re­fin­ery.

Row­ley yes­ter­day said Gov­ern­ment’s po­si­tion was the re­fin­ery would be ex­cised - re­moved - and be­come an in­de­pen­dent sep­a­rate en­ti­ty from Petrotrin busi­ness.

“At that stage, it was in­tend­ed if the OW­TU can put a pro­pos­al to Gov­ern­ment they’ll get first op­tion. That was im­me­di­ate­ly dis­missed by OW­TU. But we’re told some in­ter­est is be­ing shown now,” Row­ley said in re­sponse to queries from the Op­po­si­tion in the House.

He said in re­sponse to OW­TU cor­re­spon­dence, he’d said if the union could sub­mit a pro­pos­al in the con­text of a se­ri­ous busi­ness plan that can stand rig­or­ous scruti­ny, it’ll be treat­ed with dig­ni­ty and re­spect like any oth­er.

“They were al­so told if oth­er pro­pos­als are made to the as­set’s own­er and those pro­pos­als are su­pe­ri­or, the pub­lic in­ter­est will pre­vail,” he added.

On whether Gov­ern­ment is en­ter­tain­ing any oth­er pro­pos­als be­sides OW­TU’s, Row­ley replied, “I’m not aware Petrotrin’s board is in re­ceipt of any oth­er pro­pos­als, but I’m aware that there are oth­er per­sons who might have been in­di­cat­ing they would have an in­ter­est in the event the re­fin­ery be­comes avail­able for con­sid­er­a­tion.

“A re­fin­ery can at­tract at­ten­tion from any per­son any­where and we’re say­ing we’re open to see­ing what’s avail­able once the as­set be­comes sep­a­rat­ed from Petrotrin’s busi­ness. So any dis­cus­sion on this mat­ter is about the re­fin­ery as a stand-alone en­ti­ty.”

Row­ley stressed that “ex­cis­ing” of the re­fin­ery in­volves its clo­sure since the heart of the prob­lem - im­port­ing and re­fin­ing crude oil - was there and that would stop when the re­fin­ery was “ex­cised”.

He added, “The board has in­di­cat­ed when the im­por­ta­tion of crude oil will cease. So it’s quite clear we’re ex­cis­ing the re­fin­ery, stop­ping the im­por­ta­tion and re­fin­ing of oth­er peo­ple’s crude. And of course - then, we spoke of no idea of sale, we said ‘op­por­tu­ni­ty’.

“What­ev­er that op­por­tu­ni­ty is - whether it’s sale, lease, sup­ply of crude by a third par­ty, what­ev­er - we’ll look at what­ev­er op­tions are avail­able to us once the re­fin­ery is in that state (closed).”

He made it clear it was Gov­ern­ment who made the clo­sure de­ci­sion af­ter Petrotrin’s board pre­sent­ed analy­ses and made rec­om­men­da­tions.

“Those rec­om­men­da­tions were ac­cept­ed by Gov­ern­ment and the de­ci­sion was tak­en by Gov­ern­ment,” he said.

Source: ... 2163115f3a

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Re: Fuel cover for 20 days after Petrotrin refinery closed - Khan

Postby racedriverpro » September 27th, 2018, 10:44 am

Wish they would be straight regarding any increase in fuel

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Re: Fuel cover for 20 days after Petrotrin refinery closed - Khan

Postby .:PROZAC:.. » September 27th, 2018, 10:45 am

As sprangalang said, bring containers, bring vessels and full your gas

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Re: We have fuel for 20 days after Petrotrin refinery closed - Khan

Postby ADONI » September 27th, 2018, 10:55 am

Men go have 2 start making Black Diesel.....

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Re: We have fuel for 20 days after Petrotrin refinery closed - Khan

Postby hydroep » September 27th, 2018, 10:57 am

Donkey cyart and bicycle looking mighty fine right about now...:|

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Re: We have fuel for 20 days after Petrotrin refinery closed - Khan

Postby SMc » September 27th, 2018, 10:58 am

I confused- where they getting the fuel from once the plant is closed next month? If they have 20 days worth of fuel as backup shouldn't they already have the alternative source of supply decided upon and ready to go.

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Re: We have fuel for 20 days after Petrotrin refinery closed - Khan

Postby VexXx Dogg » September 27th, 2018, 11:02 am

Haven't we been importing fuel since forever?

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Re: We have fuel for 20 days after Petrotrin refinery closed - Khan

Postby shake d livin wake d dead » September 27th, 2018, 11:10 am

SMc wrote:I confused- where they getting the fuel from once the plant is closed next month? If they have 20 days worth of fuel as backup shouldn't they already have the alternative source of supply decided upon and ready to go.

Last night two people said deals like this should have been sorted out months in advance...not days...just imagine if they try to rush a seller, last minute thing they get some ridiculous prices.....who you think gonna feel it???

Great is the PNM yes

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Re: We have fuel for 20 days after Petrotrin refinery closed - Khan

Postby hydroep » September 27th, 2018, 11:17 am

Convert allyuh car to CNG go by Franklin house, shove a pipe up he arse and full allyuh tank. Cheap never ending supply of Natural Gas...:|

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Re: We have fuel for 20 days after Petrotrin refinery closed - Khan

Postby Rovin » September 27th, 2018, 11:17 am

everytime u ask anybody in d poo nm a serious question they casually brush it off as if is nothing or they refer u to go ask somebody else .....setta WOFT ....... :agrue:

seeing how well they handled other serious issues : we can expect to run out of fuel & hear dem say "allyuh doh worry it comin jes now" ....... :x ..... or even a "blame kamla dem fuh dat" ... :roll: :roll: :roll:

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Re: We have fuel for 20 days after Petrotrin refinery closed - Khan

Postby 200sx » September 27th, 2018, 11:47 am

just now after we fill up our tanks we wont have $ for anythig else

gonna by ah foreign used bicycle yes before they raise the price on that

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Re: We have fuel for 20 days after Petrotrin refinery closed - Khan

Postby Cantmis » September 27th, 2018, 11:51 am

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Re: We have fuel for 20 days after Petrotrin refinery closed - Khan

Postby Ben_spanna » September 27th, 2018, 12:09 pm

Good ting I still kept my BMX! pedal ftw :mrgreen:

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Re: We have fuel for 20 days after Petrotrin refinery closed - Khan

Postby 200sx » September 27th, 2018, 12:18 pm

at the end of the budget on monday, finance minister gonna say

enlight of the fact we have 20 days of fuel to supply you the wonderful people of trinidad and tobago
knowing we will have no choice but..... importing fuel as a means to address the situation, this comes at a price in which i have no facts in the matter because of market prices fluctuation, i can only promise you the current prices you are paying right now 20 days you will have to facen the realitity that petrotrin is no more....and fuel prices will fluctuate...... remember i warned you all about this thats why i raised the prices before to prepare you for this day, so i urge you citizens to be mindful of the current situation we are facing together and do your part the help us the governance 1% of this wonderful country to one day come out of this

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Re: We have fuel for 20 days after Petrotrin refinery closed - Khan

Postby airuma » September 27th, 2018, 12:49 pm

"Re­quests for Pro­pos­als (RF­Ps) from 13 rep­utable in­ter­na­tion­al sup­pli­ers are cur­rent­ly out - we don’t fore­cast any dis­rup­tion in the sup­ply to the trav­el­ling pub­lic"

Plant shutdown starting in a few days and this is the best that this idiot can tell us!!! IMHO, at this stage we should be given a guarantee not "we don't forecast" BS. I'm sure they did not forecast that the Gilligan's Passage would take so long to reach POS! And to add insult to injury, they are keeping the price at the pump a secret so that most of the population will only listen out for that in the budget and feel satisfied that it was not increased...... real misdirection, like trained illusionist..... but this is not a magic show!
When will the fuel supply from petrotrin cease? 1st or last day of the phased shutdown? Is 20 days enough for the fuel to reach here from the supplier with enough time to distribute. Will they actually start using that facility in Caroni to improve on the efficiency of distribution? Does this mean more job loses at NP?

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Re: We have fuel for 20 days after Petrotrin refinery closed - Khan

Postby shake d livin wake d dead » September 27th, 2018, 1:05 pm

Shitkickers spoke against shutting down the country while he and his peeps gearing up to do so..

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Re: We have fuel for 20 days after Petrotrin refinery closed - Khan

Postby Redman » September 27th, 2018, 1:17 pm

VexXx Dogg wrote:Haven't we been importing fuel since forever?

How dare you inject pragmatism and logic into the thread.

We importing fuel on a regular basis from Venezuela and elsewhere for years.

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Re: We have fuel for 20 days after Petrotrin refinery closed - Khan

Postby Musical Doc » September 27th, 2018, 1:24 pm

200sx wrote:at the end of the budget on monday, fin min gonna say

enlight of the fact we have 20 days of fuel to supply you the wonderful people of trinidad and tobago
knowing we will have no choice but..... importing fuel as a means to address the situation, this comes at a price in which i have no facts in the matter because of market prices fluctuation, i can only promise you the current prices you are paying right now 20 days you will have to facen the realitity that petrotrin is no more....and fuel prices will fluctuate...... remember i warned you all about this thats why i raised the prices before to prepare you for this day, so i urge you citizens to be mindful of the current situation we are facing together and do your part the help us the governance 1% of this wonderful country to one day come out of this

an dem eh riot yet......

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Re: We have fuel for 20 days after Petrotrin refinery closed - Khan

Postby Ben_spanna » September 27th, 2018, 1:27 pm

airuma wrote:"Re­quests for Pro­pos­als (RF­Ps) from 13 rep­utable in­ter­na­tion­al sup­pli­ers are cur­rent­ly out - we don’t fore­cast any dis­rup­tion in the sup­ply to the trav­el­ling pub­lic"

Plant shutdown starting in a few days and this is the best that this idiot can tell us!!! IMHO, at this stage we should be given a guarantee not "we don't forecast" BS. I'm sure they did not forecast that the Gilligan's Passage would take so long to reach POS! And to add insult to injury, they are keeping the price at the pump a secret so that most of the population will only listen out for that in the budget and feel satisfied that it was not increased...... real misdirection, like trained illusionist..... but this is not a magic show!
When will the fuel supply from petrotrin cease? 1st or last day of the phased shutdown? Is 20 days enough for the fuel to reach here from the supplier with enough time to distribute. Will they actually start using that facility in Caroni to improve on the efficiency of distribution? Does this mean more job loses at NP?

Remember we not dealing with Intelligent individuals here, we have a group of thieves with No vision, no foresight , and no serious interest in the country , they only care about themselves , their families and their connected friends!

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Re: We have fuel for 20 days after Petrotrin refinery closed - Khan

Postby 33 hertz » September 27th, 2018, 2:17 pm

VexXx Dogg wrote:Haven't we been importing fuel since forever?
Hush yuh stink mouth. How dare you try to educate the population

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Re: We have fuel for 20 days after Petrotrin refinery closed - Khan

Postby fatboy slim » September 27th, 2018, 3:16 pm

Great is the pnm for screwing us all.

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Re: We have fuel for 20 days after Petrotrin refinery closed - Khan

Postby SMc » September 27th, 2018, 3:20 pm

Redman wrote:
VexXx Dogg wrote:Haven't we been importing fuel since forever?

How dare you inject pragmatism and logic into the thread.

We importing fuel on a regular basis from Venezuela and elsewhere for years.

There is no doubt in that- I just trying to understand where they intend to get the additional fuel from when they are yet to secure supply deal- why have tenders out with a 13 international suppliers if they can already satisfy the nations needs with the current program, unless they cant and it just opens the door to get really screwed on a deal as its a bit short notice at this point.

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Re: We have fuel for 20 days after Petrotrin refinery closed - Khan

Postby pugboy » September 27th, 2018, 4:02 pm

Govt owes Petrotrin large sums of money for unpaid fuel subsidies.
One thing for sure is any fuel supplier to the govt will want all their money and.

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Re: We have fuel for 20 days after Petrotrin refinery closed - Khan

Postby wingnut » September 27th, 2018, 4:09 pm

Even if/when they secure a supplier, i'm sure they would need time to arrange a ship, time needed to load the vessel, sailing time, time to offload, then distribute.

Not exactly something that can be rushed. that 20 days supply gonna finish quick, especially with panic buying

Also given the govt track record wrt timelines, we in for a ride

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Re: We have fuel for 20 days after Petrotrin refinery closed - Khan

Postby pugboy » September 27th, 2018, 4:43 pm

They go get from Maduro no problem

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Re: We have fuel for 20 days after Petrotrin refinery closed - Khan

Postby computercentral » September 27th, 2018, 4:56 pm

What’s confusing is we buying fuel for years so why we are buying 100k barrels of oil for our refinery?? . Plus the 40k barrels from our resources. Then they are saying that we only need 22k barrels equivalent in fuel to run the country what’s really going on here??

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Re: We have fuel for 20 days after Petrotrin refinery closed - Khan

Postby Skrrr » September 27th, 2018, 5:45 pm

Redman wrote:
VexXx Dogg wrote:Haven't we been importing fuel since forever?

How dare you inject pragmatism and logic into the thread.

We importing fuel on a regular basis from Venezuela and elsewhere for years.

We have been importing crude not fuel. To use together with our local crude to refine to make fuel and other products for years.

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Re: We have fuel for 20 days after Petrotrin refinery closed - Khan

Postby Duane 3NE 2NR » September 27th, 2018, 6:07 pm

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Re: We have fuel for 20 days after Petrotrin refinery closed - Khan

Postby *$kїđž!™ » September 27th, 2018, 6:09 pm

SMc wrote:I confused- where they getting the fuel from once the plant is closed next month? If they have 20 days worth of fuel as backup shouldn't they already have the alternative source of supply decided upon and ready to go.
Same thing i though

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Re: We have fuel for 20 days after Petrotrin refinery closed - Khan

Postby maj. tom » September 27th, 2018, 6:45 pm

These PNM mc literally making the place like Venezuela wrt to fuel now.


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