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your views.. go-kart track /park in trinidad

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your views.. go-kart track /park in trinidad

Postby Jon_One » August 19th, 2010, 12:12 pm

I am considering opening/building a go-kart track with some go-karts which i intend to build (i have some madd fabrication skills) and some other small simple rides / tracks .. I am hoping that if i also have a dirt track i could invite people who race dirt bikes etc. for a "race day" and also the same with my go-kart track.. i also intend to have smaller rides for little kids..
i would like to get some of your views on how my market would be for something like this.. i would be mostly independent on building everything to cut costs etc..
and also where would be the ideal location w.r.t prices of land and accessibility.. thanks

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Re: your views.. go-kart track /park in trinidad

Postby Jon_One » August 20th, 2010, 12:09 am

please direct views to this post



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