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Course Design Guidelines.

Discussion on dexterity and time attack courses.

Moderators: CarsTT, CARSTT SoloDex, 3ne2nr Mods

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Course Design Guidelines.

Postby wagonrunner » April 18th, 2012, 11:50 pm

Folks, we got a great bligh here, and I'm thinking those interested can create a course, give it a name, and post it in a separate thread. Can be reviewed / critiqued / altered, etc.

Will also try to catalog some of the courses that have been done in the past.

To get the ball rolling for all to understand the conventions and guides of course design here are two links.

Solo Course Design 2006 (V3.6.2)
Solo Course Design 2012 (V5)

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Re: Course Design Guidelines.

Postby eliteauto » April 18th, 2012, 11:56 pm

Ask and ye shall receive, nice sub forum for course reviews and construction

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Re: Course Design Guidelines.

Postby crazybalhead » April 20th, 2012, 11:51 am

Interesting stuff there. Noted "Avoid drag race type starts". Hmmmm...

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Re: Course Design Guidelines.

Postby wagonrunner » April 20th, 2012, 1:11 pm

crazybalhead wrote:Interesting stuff there. Noted "Avoid drag race type starts". Hmmmm...

Yeah.................... Thankfully, it's a guide, not a rulebook.
Some points do make sense, and have good reason not to be adjusted. Others, innovation is the Trini way, and i love the starting lights to be honest. *reminds i have some info to check on systems compatibility*

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Re: Course Design Guidelines.

Postby wagonrunner » March 19th, 2013, 10:23 am



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