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Classified STICKIES!

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Duane 3NE 2NR
Posts: 28164
Joined: March 24th, 2003, 10:27 am
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Classified STICKIES!

Postby Duane 3NE 2NR » September 14th, 2006, 12:10 pm

A registered user can have their FS or WTB topic "stickied". A "sticky" costs TT$500.00 per month.

Users paying for this service may opt to have their sticky locked so that no replies can be made to it as all the contact info may already be in the thread itself. Also these threads would not require bumping as stickies remain at the top of the list!
You can pay via PayPal to
If you do not wish to use PayPal or your credit Card, you can deposit the payment at any branch of ScotiaBank.
Please email for deposit account details.

Stickies will only appear in the forum that the post was made and is valid for one sticky in one forum only. It is however possible to pay for more than one sticky in multiple forums.

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