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****NO animals or weapons, please read****

About and our End User License Agreement / Forum Rules.

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Duane 3NE 2NR
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Location: T&T

****NO animals or weapons, please read****

Postby Duane 3NE 2NR » November 19th, 2008, 1:19 pm

Pups & other animals:
If you are posting a litter of pups for sale, dogs, stud services, lining and breeding services etc these are considered to be commercial activity and your post(s) will be deleted without warning.

Users wishing to carry out this activity will have to pay for advertising, either through sticky or global announcement ads or for powerseller status.

We cannot allow our free service to be abused.

You can read more about advertising here

Tazers, pepper spray, mace, whip sticks, bb guns, paintball guns, compressed canisters, ammunition, accessories etc. are NOT allowed AT ALL on our forums.
We will not allow any user to post these items for sale/trade/free, not even powersellers.
We will not allow users to request these items either. WTB and FS posts for these items will be removed immediately. Repeat offenders will be banned.

PM me if you have any questions.


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