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Marlene McDonald Arrested And Charged!

this is how we do it.......

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Re: Marlene McDonald Arrested And Charged!

Postby De Dragon » September 15th, 2019, 9:50 am

PNM stinkness will be gobbled up by the usual members of the herd though.

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Re: Marlene McDonald Arrested And Charged!

Postby mrtrini45 » September 18th, 2019, 12:58 pm


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Re: Marlene McDonald Arrested And Charged!

Postby hydroep » September 20th, 2019, 5:16 am

Police seek Kamla tip-off statement from Marlene
Gail Alexander

A po­lice of­fi­cer has been as­signed to speak with PNM MP for Port-of-Spain South Mar­lene Mc­Don­ald to see if she’s will­ing to give a state­ment on her claim that Op­po­si­tion Leader Kam­la Per­sad-Bisses­sar had tipped her off that po­lice would have been com­ing to ar­rest her.

Guardian Me­dia con­firmed this from re­li­able po­lice sources yes­ter­day.

It’s the lat­est de­vel­op­ment in the mat­ter af­ter Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley, on Sep­tem­ber 9 claimed Per­sad-Bisses­sar tipped off Mc­Don­ald about her Au­gust ar­rest by po­lice.

Mc­Don­ald was charged on Au­gust 10 with sev­en al­leged cor­rup­tion charges in­clud­ing mon­ey laun­der­ing. Four oth­er peo­ple are al­so on a to­tal of 49 charges.

Af­ter Row­ley’s claim, Mc­Don­ald con­firmed that four to five weeks be­fore her ar­rest, Per­sad-Bisses­sar had told her po­lice were “com­ing for her.”

Mc­Don­ald said she called At­tor­ney Gen­er­al Faris Al-Rawi and Na­tion­al Se­cu­ri­ty’s Stu­art Young on it. Al-Rawi con­firmed she called him.

Per­sad-Bisses­sar re­mained mum af­ter Row­ley and Mc­Don­ald’s claims.

Her at­tor­ney Is­rael Khan said she had a right to do so.

Last week­end sources point­ed Guardian Me­dia to Sec­tion 51 of the Pro­ceeds of Crime Act (1-6).

That states that tip­ping off a per­son whom po­lice are in­ves­ti­gat­ing or plan to (in mon­ey laun­der­ing mat­ters) is an of­fence.

Po­lice told Guardian Me­dia that ca­su­al ban­ter wouldn’t meet the act’s thresh­old but a se­ri­ous warn­ing would and if Mc­Don­ald’s claim was true, crim­i­nal of­fence could arise. They said ques­tions had to be an­swered “ahead.”

The Guardian sub­se­quent­ly con­firmed se­nior po­lice had as­signed a fe­male of­fi­cer to see if Mc­Don­ald would be will­ing to give a re­port on her claim.

Yes­ter­day they couldn’t say if the of­fi­cer has met with her yet.

How­ev­er, sources close to Mc­Don­ald said yes­ter­day she hadn’t been called up­on by po­lice. Mc­Don­ald hasn’t been speak­ing since the furore broke. She said last week that her at­tor­neys have banned her from speak­ing.

Af­ter Row­ley sar­cas­ti­cal­ly not­ed Per­sad-Bisses­sar’s si­lence on Mon­day, she sub­se­quent­ly re­ferred to the mat­ter dur­ing a UNC meet­ing in Wednes­day. But she on­ly said she had no fur­ther in­ten­tion of talk­ing fur­ther about “Mar­leneGate”, the mat­ter is sub ju­dice and be­ing a lawyer, she didn’t “want to put her mouth in that.”

Both Mc­Don­ald and Per­sad-Bisses­sar are ex­pect­ed in Par­lia­ment to­day. Mc­Don­ald hasn’t at­tend­ed since Par­lia­ment went on re­cess in Ju­ly. She skipped the last few sit­tings af­ter be­ing charged.

Per­sad-Bisses­sar who was ab­sent last week, is ex­pect­ed to at­tend, since her pri­vate mo­tion seek­ing to de­bate re­peal of the Sedi­tion Bill is list­ed on to­day’s Low­er House agen­da.

Per­sad-Bisses­sar filed the mo­tion re­cent­ly fol­low­ing pub­lic de­bate on the sedi­tion law when pres­i­dent of the Pub­lic Ser­vice As­so­ci­a­tion (PSA) Wat­son Duke was charged un­der the Sedi­tion Act.

The Op­po­si­tion and oth­er quar­ters con­tend that the law is out­dat­ed. Gov­ern­ment ini­tial­ly stonewalled on the is­sue, but sub­se­quent­ly said it was “open to re­view” of the bill. How­ev­er Gov­ern­ment of­fi­cials have al­so stat­ed there’s been no sign of pro­posed al­ter­na­tives to the bill.

Per­sad-Bisses­sar’s mo­tion is last on the agen­da. If it aris­es she’ll have to give a five minute sub­mis­sion on why it should be de­bat­ed and the House—con­trolled by Gov­ern­ment—has to vote on it. UNC whip David Lee said yes­ter­day since it’s not a nor­mal mo­tion, based on Par­lia­ment’s Stand­ing Or­ders (Reg­u­la­tions) it’ll be a pri­or­i­ty.

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Re: Marlene McDonald Arrested And Charged!

Postby Gladiator » September 20th, 2019, 6:45 am

So they going to build a case based on Hearsay now...
hydroep wrote:
Police seek Kamla tip-off statement from Marlene
Gail Alexander

A po­lice of­fi­cer has been as­signed to speak with PNM MP for Port-of-Spain South Mar­lene Mc­Don­ald to see if she’s will­ing to give a state­ment on her claim that Op­po­si­tion Leader Kam­la Per­sad-Bisses­sar had tipped her off that po­lice would have been com­ing to ar­rest her.

Guardian Me­dia con­firmed this from re­li­able po­lice sources yes­ter­day.

It’s the lat­est de­vel­op­ment in the mat­ter af­ter Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley, on Sep­tem­ber 9 claimed Per­sad-Bisses­sar tipped off Mc­Don­ald about her Au­gust ar­rest by po­lice.

Mc­Don­ald was charged on Au­gust 10 with sev­en al­leged cor­rup­tion charges in­clud­ing mon­ey laun­der­ing. Four oth­er peo­ple are al­so on a to­tal of 49 charges.

Af­ter Row­ley’s claim, Mc­Don­ald con­firmed that four to five weeks be­fore her ar­rest, Per­sad-Bisses­sar had told her po­lice were “com­ing for her.”

Mc­Don­ald said she called At­tor­ney Gen­er­al Faris Al-Rawi and Na­tion­al Se­cu­ri­ty’s Stu­art Young on it. Al-Rawi con­firmed she called him.

Per­sad-Bisses­sar re­mained mum af­ter Row­ley and Mc­Don­ald’s claims.

Her at­tor­ney Is­rael Khan said she had a right to do so.

Last week­end sources point­ed Guardian Me­dia to Sec­tion 51 of the Pro­ceeds of Crime Act (1-6).

That states that tip­ping off a per­son whom po­lice are in­ves­ti­gat­ing or plan to (in mon­ey laun­der­ing mat­ters) is an of­fence.

Po­lice told Guardian Me­dia that ca­su­al ban­ter wouldn’t meet the act’s thresh­old but a se­ri­ous warn­ing would and if Mc­Don­ald’s claim was true, crim­i­nal of­fence could arise. They said ques­tions had to be an­swered “ahead.”

The Guardian sub­se­quent­ly con­firmed se­nior po­lice had as­signed a fe­male of­fi­cer to see if Mc­Don­ald would be will­ing to give a re­port on her claim.

Yes­ter­day they couldn’t say if the of­fi­cer has met with her yet.

How­ev­er, sources close to Mc­Don­ald said yes­ter­day she hadn’t been called up­on by po­lice. Mc­Don­ald hasn’t been speak­ing since the furore broke. She said last week that her at­tor­neys have banned her from speak­ing.

Af­ter Row­ley sar­cas­ti­cal­ly not­ed Per­sad-Bisses­sar’s si­lence on Mon­day, she sub­se­quent­ly re­ferred to the mat­ter dur­ing a UNC meet­ing in Wednes­day. But she on­ly said she had no fur­ther in­ten­tion of talk­ing fur­ther about “Mar­leneGate”, the mat­ter is sub ju­dice and be­ing a lawyer, she didn’t “want to put her mouth in that.”

Both Mc­Don­ald and Per­sad-Bisses­sar are ex­pect­ed in Par­lia­ment to­day. Mc­Don­ald hasn’t at­tend­ed since Par­lia­ment went on re­cess in Ju­ly. She skipped the last few sit­tings af­ter be­ing charged.

Per­sad-Bisses­sar who was ab­sent last week, is ex­pect­ed to at­tend, since her pri­vate mo­tion seek­ing to de­bate re­peal of the Sedi­tion Bill is list­ed on to­day’s Low­er House agen­da.

Per­sad-Bisses­sar filed the mo­tion re­cent­ly fol­low­ing pub­lic de­bate on the sedi­tion law when pres­i­dent of the Pub­lic Ser­vice As­so­ci­a­tion (PSA) Wat­son Duke was charged un­der the Sedi­tion Act.

The Op­po­si­tion and oth­er quar­ters con­tend that the law is out­dat­ed. Gov­ern­ment ini­tial­ly stonewalled on the is­sue, but sub­se­quent­ly said it was “open to re­view” of the bill. How­ev­er Gov­ern­ment of­fi­cials have al­so stat­ed there’s been no sign of pro­posed al­ter­na­tives to the bill.

Per­sad-Bisses­sar’s mo­tion is last on the agen­da. If it aris­es she’ll have to give a five minute sub­mis­sion on why it should be de­bat­ed and the House—con­trolled by Gov­ern­ment—has to vote on it. UNC whip David Lee said yes­ter­day since it’s not a nor­mal mo­tion, based on Par­lia­ment’s Stand­ing Or­ders (Reg­u­la­tions) it’ll be a pri­or­i­ty.

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Re: Marlene McDonald Arrested And Charged!

Postby shake d livin wake d dead » September 20th, 2019, 7:01 am

when the police tipping of all their community leader brethrens about raids etc etc, nobody gives man tell kamla that marlene might get lock up, everybody gone clear.....logic in yuh mc

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Re: Marlene McDonald Arrested And Charged!

Postby maj. tom » September 20th, 2019, 7:02 am

wda. this is the fake emails all over again.

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Re: Marlene McDonald Arrested And Charged!

Postby rspann » September 20th, 2019, 7:06 am

I say they should charge kamla for the tip off and make a deal with Marlene to drop her case in exchange for her testimony against kamla. After all, the tip off is much worse than theifing from the treasury and misbehaviour in public office.

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Re: Marlene McDonald Arrested And Charged!

Postby zoom rader » September 20th, 2019, 7:14 am

PNM will accomplish their agenda, Marlene will be freed and Kamala with face a new tip-off-gate all over again.

It was all timed right for elections

You all need to learn to read PNM plays

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Re: Marlene McDonald Arrested And Charged!

Postby De Dragon » September 20th, 2019, 8:04 am

Yet the leader of the PNM gang of thieves and criminals, the Honourable JUHN Scarfy, would have you believe that the TTPS have no agenda. Three well known liars concoct a story, one that wasn't reported at the time mind you, but like clockwork, TTPS looking to investigate all and anything that JUHN Scarfy wants. Lemme see if Gaspard really independent, or if he and all is a little kant in the PNM game.
The only statement fat, lying. thieving Two Plate should produce is the one where Kamla asked her to meet in the Tea Room. That would be a good start.

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Re: Marlene McDonald Arrested And Charged!

Postby Gladiator » September 20th, 2019, 8:31 am

rspann wrote:I say they should charge kamla for the tip off and make a deal with Marlene to drop her case in exchange for her testimony against kamla. After all, the tip off is much worse than theifing from the treasury and misbehaviour in public office.

Its almost like you have something hooked up to a PNMite brain to extract that

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Re: Marlene McDonald Arrested And Charged!

Postby zoom rader » September 20th, 2019, 8:48 am

Gladiator wrote:
rspann wrote:I say they should charge kamla for the tip off and make a deal with Marlene to drop her case in exchange for her testimony against kamla. After all, the tip off is much worse than theifing from the treasury and misbehaviour in public office.

Its almost like you have something hooked up to a PNMite brain to extract that
PNM brains dont have much in it bro,

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Re: Marlene McDonald Arrested And Charged!

Postby sMASH » September 20th, 2019, 9:18 am

Gladiator wrote:
rspann wrote:I say they should charge kamla for the tip off and make a deal with Marlene to drop her case in exchange for her testimony against kamla. After all, the tip off is much worse than theifing from the treasury and misbehaviour in public office.

Its almost like you have something hooked up to a PNMite brain to extract that

it there, it there.. check in the mitochondria

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Re: Marlene McDonald Arrested And Charged!

Postby Rovin » September 20th, 2019, 11:28 am

guardian headline this morning : police want to find a way to charge kamla for tipping off marlene - wdmc i reading here so early

is this such a serious crime , d country eh have more pressing matters ?

ent d 1st move is to ask marlene to provide proof of dat , anybody cud say anything but without proof it doh mean sh1t

gary really have his officers wasting time doing this ? ....

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Re: Marlene McDonald Arrested And Charged!

Postby maj. tom » September 20th, 2019, 11:29 am

full clown circus in progress. As is tradition in our beautiful country.

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Re: Marlene McDonald Arrested And Charged!

Postby zoom rader » September 20th, 2019, 11:31 am

Rovin wrote:guardian headline this morning : police want to find a way to charge kamla for tipping off marlene - wdmc i reading here so early

is this such a serious crime , d country eh have more pressing matters ?

ent d 1st move is to ask marlene to provide proof of dat , anybody cud say anything but without proof it doh mean sh1t

gary really have his officers wasting time doing this ? ....
Its simple Chanrge kams for elections and free Marlene

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Re: Marlene McDonald Arrested And Charged!

Postby Rovin » September 20th, 2019, 11:32 am

like panday always used to say back in he time : red herring

so is lock up d messenger & ignore d message ....

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Re: Marlene McDonald Arrested And Charged!

Postby zoom rader » September 20th, 2019, 11:33 am

maj. tom wrote:full clown circus in progress. As is tradition in our beautiful country.
PNM ppl have proven they cannot run this county

In Panday era , we were beginning a normal high class country. But PNM ppl wat dey cah eat they does mash up

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Re: Marlene McDonald Arrested And Charged!

Postby De Dragon » September 20th, 2019, 11:52 pm

Rovin wrote:guardian headline this morning : police want to find a way to charge kamla for tipping off marlene - wdmc i reading here so early

is this such a serious crime , d country eh have more pressing matters ?

ent d 1st move is to ask marlene to provide proof of dat , anybody cud say anything but without proof it doh mean sh1t

gary really have his officers wasting time doing this ? ....

Gary recently start gargling JUHN Scarfy 'nads. Remember in his recent interview where he said "You may not have voted for a prime minister but he or she still represents YOU! The more you ridicule the prime minister, the more you undermine your own country!"

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Re: Marlene McDonald Arrested And Charged!

Postby The_Honourable » September 27th, 2019, 1:13 pm

Take it with a pinch on salt... sunshine newspapers.

In just a matter of weeks if not days… ANOTHER PNM MINISTER TO FACE THE COURTS


Marlene McDonald will be having company in the next few days as another PNM Minister is to be charged for money launder­ing. And, unlike Marlene, the Minister has been advised of the imminent arrest in advance and has been given time to put things in place like bail and get­ting a top class lawyer. Readers will remember that Marlene was awakened at her Maracas/St Jo­seph home by a special team of police officers in the wee hours on the morning of Wednesday, August 7, 2019, and she was kept for almost a week in the Police station under investigation before being officially charged.

Not so however with the about to be charged, Minister. Every­thing is being put in place. Like Marlene, this Minister is an in­heritance from the Manning era and even in the Manning era, the Minister had a lot of questions to answer about impropriety.

In Marlene’s case, the Prime Minister had claimed ignorance of the whole affair but it has been said that he cannot do so this time as rumours have it that, unofficially, he has been briefed on the matter. And so too have the Attorney General, Faris Al Rawi, and the Minister of Na­tional Security Stuart Young, both of whom Marlene had publicly stated that she had asked about the veracity of her impending ar­rest after being so informed by Opposition Leader Kamla Persad Bissessar.

No doubt this will be another damning blow for the PNM who are reeling from one scandal to the other with the most serious being the HDC $500m housing contract with a Chinese company. After the terms of the contract be­came public, which terms were an unprecedented sweetheart deal, unheard of anywhere in the Commonwealth, the government was forced to cancel the contract with much financial loss to the country which loss is still being quantified but should run into mega millions.

With the impending arrest of the PNM Minister, other Minis­ters are trembling in their shoes and are asking who is next?

In the meantime the UNC is ec­static over the PNM corruption is­sues no doubt relishing the stains of corruption on the PNM who had made corruption their main mantra against them in the run-up to the 2015 General Election and which no doubt contributed to the UNC’s downfall.

As early as on Wednesday, September 17, 2017 – a mere two years after being elected – the Prime Minister at a public town hall meeting had decried all forms of corruption. He stated then that all who en­gage in corrupt activity will not find solace in his government re­gardless of party affiliation.

On Friday, November 9, 2018, at a post-Cabinet briefing Dr Rowley again stated that Trini­dad & Tobago has been inflicted with “a cancer of corruption” and warned that “many corrupt mat­ters are heading to the courts” as his government looks to stamp out white-collar crimes in Trini­dad & Tobago. The Prime Minis­ter further stated then that he had no idea how corrupt the country was until after being elected as the country’s Prime Minister on September 7, 2015.

Now, some four years later, many question the hollowness of Dr Rowley’s statements since the perception is that the present PNM government is even more corrupt than the UNC ever was but in more subtle ways and they refer especially to the procure­ment of vessels for the sea bridge and the aborted HDC Chinese housing contract.

Source: ... he-courts/

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Re: Marlene McDonald Arrested And Charged!

Postby Dizzy28 » September 27th, 2019, 1:19 pm

Why possibly tip off the Minister and allow them an opportunity to destroy potential evidence, flee etc.??

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Re: Marlene McDonald Arrested And Charged!

Postby bluefete » September 27th, 2019, 5:07 pm

Who are the holdovers from the Manning era?

Rowley, Imbert, Marlene, Cox, Camille.

Anyone missing? What if is Rowley or Imbert?

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Re: Marlene McDonald Arrested And Charged!

Postby pugboy » September 27th, 2019, 5:17 pm

We still waiting on the tsunami of evidence he was gonna use to bring down the pp....

On another note, Marlene loose plenty weight, her face drawn and cheeks flabby

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Re: Marlene McDonald Arrested And Charged!

Postby The_Honourable » September 27th, 2019, 6:45 pm

pugboy wrote:We still waiting on the tsunami of evidence he was gonna use to bring down the pp....

On another note, Marlene loose plenty weight, her face drawn and cheeks flabby

Marlene has renal/kidney failure so she's on dialysis. I believe that is the reason she ended up St Clair while she was arrested.

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Re: Marlene McDonald Arrested And Charged!

Postby Redman » September 27th, 2019, 6:50 pm

Dizzy28 wrote:Why possibly tip off the Minister and allow them an opportunity to destroy potential evidence, flee etc.??

Haveto sell papers.

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Re: Marlene McDonald Arrested And Charged!

Postby pugboy » September 27th, 2019, 7:02 pm

Kidney failure is pressure, she surely must be trying to source a donor kidney

The_Honourable wrote:
pugboy wrote:We still waiting on the tsunami of evidence he was gonna use to bring down the pp....

On another note, Marlene loose plenty weight, her face drawn and cheeks flabby

Marlene has renal/kidney failure so she's on dialysis. I believe that is the reason she ended up St Clair while she was arrested.

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Re: Marlene McDonald Arrested And Charged!

Postby hydroep » September 27th, 2019, 7:10 pm

Stress causes some healthy people to lose weight very rapidly much less someone in her condition. One can only imagine what she's going though...:|

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Re: Marlene McDonald Arrested And Charged!

Postby matr1x » September 27th, 2019, 8:57 pm

Seeing her suffer brings a warm smile to my face.

Notice minister of labor gone on the down low?

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Re: Marlene McDonald Arrested And Charged!

Postby MaxPower » September 27th, 2019, 9:00 pm

matr1x wrote:Seeing her suffer brings a warm smile to my face


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Re: Marlene McDonald Arrested And Charged!

Postby De Dragon » September 27th, 2019, 9:10 pm

The Prime Minis­ter further stated then that he had no idea how corrupt the country was until after being elected as the country’s Prime Minister on September 7, 2015.
This asinine statement alone should disqualify JUHN Scarfy from holding ANY kind of office, especially the one of the PM. Wasn't this moron the one who all of a sudden claimed to be some kind of corruption buster when Manning was looking to jettison his sorry arse?

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Re: Marlene McDonald Arrested And Charged!

Postby The_Honourable » September 28th, 2019, 10:52 pm

De Dragon wrote:The Prime Minis­ter further stated then that he had no idea how corrupt the country was until after being elected as the country’s Prime Minister on September 7, 2015.
This asinine statement alone should disqualify JUHN Scarfy from holding ANY kind of office, especially the one of the PM. Wasn't this moron the one who all of a sudden claimed to be some kind of corruption buster when Manning was looking to jettison his sorry arse?

Is a play for dem pnm till ah dead to show that he innocent and he's trying to fight corruption :roll:


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